08/21 - 06/23
Middle School Math Teacher
Newport News Public Schools
Newport News, VA
● Selected as the 7th grade math data lead after my first year of employment with the school for my
content knowledge, analytical and teaching skills.
● Successfully implemented data-driven strategies to enhance student performance by 12% and
increased the pass rate from 3% to 30% on the state tests.
● Integrated various technologies and coding into lessons including IXL, Desmos, Lumio, Canvas,
Kahoot and Quizizz to increase student engagement and performance.
● Effectively communicate with a range of stakeholders including students, administration, and parents
through various channels.
● Collaborate with a team to create engaging lessons and ensure the content matches the standard and
rigor required resulting in the mathematics department being the only subject to obtain level 1
academic achievement in our school.
● Input data with accuracy and precision weekly using Microsoft Excel and Synergy.
08/13 - 11/15
Middle School Math Teacher
Dole Middle School
Honolulu, HI
Tracked and analyzed data to inform instruction leading to a 10% increase in test scores.
Integrated knowledge of business to create relevant real world applications of the standards.
Selected as an exemplary classroom for colleagues to visit and gain insights from for our GLAD training implementation.
Collected and extracted data and created Microsoft Excel documents to analyze data.
Volunteer Treasurer
US Army Wheeler AAF, HI
● Record and maintain an accurate record of financial transactions.
● Created 8 Excel spreadsheets to streamline reports.
Google Data Analytics
Google on Coursera
Clean and analyze data using SQL, R and Excel.
Create data visualizations in R, Excel and Tableau.
Central Connecticut State University
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
New Britain, CT
During my time at CCSU I gained a solid foundation in mathematical principles and problem solving complemented by coursework in business. I graduated Magna Cum Laude and earned the ETS Recognition of Excellence for Praxis II Mathematics: 0061 for scoring in the top 15% of test takers.
Middlesex Community College
General Studies
Middletown CT
I dedicated one year to pursuing a curriculum in general studies at a community college as a strategic financial decision
Data Analysis
Data Visualization
Data Cleaning
Microsoft Office